Pricing & Member Benefits

Pricing & Member Benefits

High Desert

With the free tier, you get:

. . . a monthly email where I'll answer questions sent in by members on all kinds of grantwriting, fundraising, and nonprofit admin topics

. . . early notification about upcoming offerings before they're open to the public

(a $2,400 value!)

Multnomah Falls

For $5 a month (or $50 a year), you get:

. . . the free monthly Q&A mailbag email

. . . the opportunity to submit your own questions to be answered in a future Q&A

. . . free video download of Claire's "If You Can Write, You Can Write Grants" master class

. . . early notification about upcoming offerings before they're open to the public or to free subscribers

. . . a second monthly email (don't worry, I'll only ever pester you twice a month) featuring short video downloads on practical topics like building a grant budget, prospect research, introducing yourself to funders, and more

(a $5,000 value!)

Haystack Rock

For $15 a month (or $150 a year), you get all of the above, plus:

. . . discounted rate on quarterly professional development workshops

. . . quarterly live Q&A chats with Claire

(a $6,600 value!)

South Sister

This tier is only available to individuals who identify as members of populations who experience marginalization and discrimination in nonprofit workplaces, and who are often priced out of mainstream professional development opportunities - including those who personally identify as BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, living with a disability, justice-impacted, or immigrants/refugees - in the hopes that access to these tools helps them direct much-needed resources back to their own communities. Limited to 20 participants.

For $50 a month (or $500 a year), you get all of the above, plus:

. . . even more discounted rate on quarterly professional development workshops, plus you can bring a guest for free

. . . monthly group live calls with a cohort of your fellow grantwriters for advice, guidance, venting, resource-sharing and Q&A with Claire, guided by your group's priorities and concerns

. . . five hours per year of one-on-one grants support from Claire to be used however you want, from giving your operating narrative a punch-up to helping you build your grants calendar

(a $9,500 value!)

Mount Hood

This tier consists of the same benefits as South Sister, but offered at $100 a month (or $1,000 a year). By paying full price for the Mount Hood tier, if you are able, you're helping cover the costs of this programming for the communities who often face the highest boundaries to accessing professional development resources for themselves and their organizations. You get the same level of personalized access, support and resources to help your organization and/or your grantwriting career thrive, along with my deep gratitude, and the knowledge that you're helping make your community a better place. Limited to 20 participants.